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Casino Chip Collecting Software

Document/Photograph Collecting Supplies; Casino Chip Collecing Supplies. Collection Software. 17 item(s) Filter by: Brand Sort By: Best match Home. Collector’s Assistant is a comprehensive inventory software for casino collectibles of all types with an extensive preloaded database of casino chips. The preloaded chip reference database includes completed informational fields along with high quality scans. It’s quick and easy to copy one or many items right into your collection.

GTI Casino CIMS – Software Applications Platform

GTI Casino CIMS System is the hearth and a robust engine of the whole system, is an easy-to-use, user-friendly, intuitive and easy to understand Software Applications Platform software, the most advanced, innovative and powerful tool available today for casino management and casino currency management, that provides a totally automated management with an unlimited range of functions, releasing a wide range of precise and “real time” situation and reports of casino currency status.

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GTI Casino CIMS System and software connect, interact and manage all RFID products, equipment and accessories totally configurable following casinos management operational needs are suitable for just one casino of any dimension as well as for many unlimited number of casinos or casinos groups.

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GTI Casino CIMS System and Software increase and ensure, at maximum level available today on the market, impossible to breach the total security and provide in real time casino currency whole stock and inventory, all movements, transactions, operations total control, through out automated detection and counting everywhere in the casino, securely and safety recording and storing data into “Casino Journal Register of Transactions”.

GTI Casino CIMS System and Software detect and record all casino currency transactions, movements and operations, both internal within the casino as well as all sell/buy activities with players, in real time, on demand or scheduled, providing following wide range of periodical and exhaustive reports and charts:

Casino Chip Collecting Software Free

Cage, Vault, Chip Bank, Cashier desk Counter and Redemption Window:

  • Opening inventory
  • Chip bank / Cashier Desk Redemption Window / Chip Bank internal transactions
  • Casino Cage Chips Retail Sell/Buy Players Transactions
  • Fill/Credit/Change Cage/Gaming Tables internal Transactions
  • Closing inventory
  • Cage/Chip bank status and performances reports

Gaming Tables / Floor:

  • Opening inventory Float Chip Tray
  • Gaming Tables Chips Retail Sell/Buy Players Transactions
  • Fill/Credit/Change Cage/Gaming Tables internal Transactions
  • Closing inventory Float Chip Tray
  • Float Chip Tray Reintegration calculation and report
  • Drop boxes inventory and transactions report
  • Gaming Tables temporary trend GGR and performances reports
  • Gaming Tables final GGR and performances reports

GTI Casino CIMS System and software provide a real time, precise, punctual general situation reports:

  • General casino currency stock at the end of each period (gaming period), Cage (Vaults, Chip Banks, Cashier Desk Counters/Redemption Windows) and Gaming Tables/Floor
  • General casino currency stock at the end of each period (gaming period), Cage (Vaults, Chip Banks, Cashier Desk Counters/Redemption Windows) and Gaming Tables/Floor reconciled with general casino currency stock database
  • Players’ Hands gaming chips inventory at the end of each period
  • Missing Casino Chips inventory (not detected or counted) but present in the general stock database

GTI Casino CIMS System and Software provide and send to management and security and surveillance team a wide range of alerts and alarms, that could also be extended and implemented following casino management operational needs, (visual or text) via PC, e-mail, messages, SMS, in case of “irregularity” and/or “particular and specific events”, like, for example:

  • Player’s hands gaming chips detection (where and when)
  • Missing casino chips detection (where and when)
  • Float Chip Trays quick or sudden decreasing (or over a certain level)
  • Excess/defect level situation of casino currency denominations in the cage or on the gaming tables
  • Buy of casino chips from players that never purchased gaming chips
  • Casino chips repeated Sell or buy transactions with players in a very short period time

GTI Casino CIMS System is an effective and strong tool to counteract illegal and/or fraudulent activities and money laundering actions.

GTI Casino CIMS System identifies team or staff employees that executed transactions

Casino Chip Collecting Software Online

GTI Casino CIMS System and software can be abundantly, easily, widely integrated with existing third parties CRM and CMS is fully customizable at request, and is constantly updated and enhanced with new features.

The software is installed on the server of the casino, are safe and protected from standardized IT control to ensure the physical security and data integrity.

The inventory of electronic tokens and plaques is the actual database of RFID chips.

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The chips are “initialized” in the database through a commissioning process that validates the database encrypted using the CDs that come with the chips to ensure the absolute integrity.

Casino Chip Collecting Software Using

GTI Casino CIMS System and software can be implemented with our wager / bet tracking functions, for the moment only available for card games gaming tables.